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Some photos from the review in Zürich october 2001. It took place at ETH (Federal Institute of Technology Zurich).

the booth

The booth. In the front is a table with some of the probe photos. The two technology probe demos are in the middle and also the video projection. On the side is the timeline displayed.


The three reviewers are deeply engaged in discussing our process with us.


people visiting

Two collegues from Paper++ visiting us.
(The technology and cords have not yet dissapeared  8-)


table and probe photos

The table with the probe photos.


message board demo

The demo of the Message Probe had two stations to write on. One of these were projected on a screen. To the right on the screen is one of the three videos playing.


video probe demo

This shows the Video Probe software on its computer, camera and remote control.


Yngve and Wendy talking

Yngve and Wendy seem to have a good time with Alan Munroe (middle).



We illustrated our work so far with a "timeline".

For more information feel free to contact:  •  2001-10-24