interLiving logotype



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03-12-05 • Final review in Paris.

03-11-19--04-01-05 • Interactive Design Exhibition at Centre Pompidou, Paris.

03-11-19--22 • 3rd DC Jamboree/Review, Interaction Design Institute in Ivrea, Italy.

03-11-04 • D-futures 9 : Using Users, debate organised by the Design Council, London

03-10-02--04 • IST 2003 in Milano.

03-11-01--03 • Nordcode, Helsinki, Finland.

03-09-03--05 • Good | Bad | Irrelevant, COST 269, Helsinki, Finland. (Paper)

03-06-28 • Joint family workshop in Stockholm, Sweden.

03-06-22--27 • HCI International 2003, Crete, Greece. (Paper)

03-06-01--04 • Tales of the Disappearing Computer, Santorini, Greece.

03-04-28--30 • EAD5, the European Academy of Design, Barcelona. (Paper)

03-04-05--10 • The CHI 2003 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (Paper)

02-12-19 • Family workshop in Stockholm together with the DC project Accord.

02-10-31--11-01 • DC Atelier together with other DC projects, in Paris.

02-10-25 -- 30 • UIST 2002, Paris

02-10-19 -- 23 • NordicCHI, Aarhus

02-09-30 -- 02-10-02 • Review in Göteborg, at the UbiComp conference. (Deliverable)

02-09-25 -- 26 • Plenary, CID, Stockholm.

02-06-26 -- 28 • DIS2002, London. (Interactive Thread)

02-06-25 • DC Workshop in London.

02-06-23 -- 25 • PDC 2002 - Participation & Design, Malmö.

02-05-06 -- 07 • Plenary, Paris.

02-05-04 • Joint workshop with the Swedish and French families. It will take place at the Maison de la Mutualité, a 1920's Art Deco building in the heart of the Latin Quarter in Paris.
Group picture.

02-04-21 • "New Technologies for Families", Workshop at CHI 2002. Position papers here.

02-03-07 -- 08 • Disappearing Computing in the Domestic Environment, atelier, KTH, Stockholm.
Participants from three Disapperaring Computer projects, ACCORD, MiME and interLiving.

02-02-01 • The first Technology Probe is installed in our families' household.

02-01-29 -- 29 • Disappearing Computing in the Domestic Environment, atelier, XRCE Cambridge, UK. Participants from three Disapperaring Computer projects, ACCORD, MiME and interLiving.

02-01-14--15 • Plenary, Paris.

02-01-12 • 2nd family workshop, Paris.

01-11-11--14 • Technology meeting during the UIST-conference.

01-10-17--19 • Review, Zürich. Photos from the exhibition. (Deliverables)

01-09-13 ––14 • Equator workshop on Ubiquitous computing in domestic environments, Nottingham, (paper).

01-09-09 • 3rd Swedish family workshop.

01-09-01 • 1st French family workshop.

01-08-29--30 • Workshop on probes, Paris.

01-07-30 • Plenary, Paris.

01-06-20--21 • Dissapearing nights, all DC projects in Stockholm.

01-06-17 • 2nd Swedish family workshop.

01-05-30 • Workshop on technologies for families. University of Maryland, HCIL.

01-03-xx • French ads.

01-04-06--07 • Softare developer meeting in Maryland, resulted in "technology probes".

01-03-17 -- 04-29 • Communication probes in families.

01-03-17 • 1st Swedish family workshop.

01-02-20 • Swedish ad in Metro.

01-01-22--23 • Plenary, Spain.

01-01-01 • Project begins.

00-11-15 • Video meeting, Stockholm, Paris, Maryland.

For more information feel free to contact:  •  2004-02-25